Face it, winter is tough on the most hardy of us. At Fostercare Property Service, our crews are the most hardy of all and here to help you get through the cold dark months. You stay warm, dry and worry free inside, and know we’ve got the walks taken care of.
Bronze Care
City Sidewalk, Front Path and Step, Driveway and all specified areas.
Cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snowfall greater than 0.5 cm, or 24 hours AFTER multi-day event, scraped clean as possible when time permits on lighter schedules.
Free sand application to icy spots, Client will indicate on the form their consent and waive of any damages that could occur. Freezing rain, call-out sanding or ice melt applications, additional $25.
Gold Care
City Sidewalk, Front Path and Step, Driveway, and all specified areas
Cleared continuously in multi-day occurrences, and within 24 hours of the end of a snowfall greater than 0.5 cm, scraped clean as possible.
Free sand or ice melt application to icy spots, Client will indicate on the form their choice and waive any damages
that could occur.
Platinum Care Package
City Sidewalk, Front Path and Step. Cleared continuously in multi-day occurrences, and within 24 hours of the end of a snowfall greater than 0.5 cm, scraped clean as possible. Free sand or ice melt application to icy spots. Client will indicate in form their choice and waive any damages that occur. Free freezing rain call out sanding or ice melt applications.